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'NT113'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2011.03.14 New Testament Introduction - Darrell L. Bock

Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, 줄여서 BECNT로 알려진 주석에서 누가복음과 사도행전을 저술한 Darrell L. Bock의 신약개론 강좌입니다.

1. Introduction to Second Temple Period Pt. 1
2. Introduction to Second Temple Period Pt. 2
3. Introduction to Second Temple Period Pt. 3
4. Political: Hellenistic Pt. 1
5. Political: Hellenistic Pt. 2 (Alexander)
6. Political: Hellenistic Pt. 3 (Antiochus)
7. Political: Hellenistic Pt. 4 (Mac War Pt. 1)
8. Political: Hellenistic Pt. 5 (Mac War Pt. 2)
9. Political: Hellenistic Pt. 6
10. Political: Roman Pt. 1
11. Political: Roman Pt. 2
12. Political: Roman Pt. 3
13. Political: Roman Pt. 4
14. Political: Roman Pt. 5 (Herod)
15. Political: Roman Pt. 6 (Claudius-Titus)
16. Political: Roman Pt. 7 (Herod)
17. Political: Roman Pt. 8 (Herod)

New Testament Introduction by Dr. Darrell L. Bock
