사랑하는 그대들에게.

바리새인은 의인인가?

In fact, for the purpose of the parable, the Pharisees are the 'righteous'! One would not guess, on the basis of these parables, that the Pharisees are represented elsewhere in the Gosple of Luke as the enemies of God.
Those 'in the fold', that is, the Pharisees, are criticized only for their inability to rejoice over the 'found' and, by extension, their failure to seek them themselves.[각주:1]

우리는 바리새인에 대해 부정적으로 인식하는데, 위 설명은 어떠한지 읽어보자.
  1. David A. Neale, None But The Sinners: Religious Categories in the Gosple of Luke, Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series 58 (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991), 163. [본문으로]