사랑하는 그대들에게.

Politeness Strategies에는 Bald on record, Negative politeness, Positive politeness, Off-record(indirect strategy)이 있다. 다음은 브라운과 레빈슨이 제시한 전략 목록이다.

List of Politeness Strategies by Brown and Levison

Positive Politeness
Strategy 1:  Notice, attend to H (his interests, wants, needs, goods)
Strategy 2:  Exaggerate (interest, approval, sympathy with H)
Strategy 3:  Intensify interest to H
Strategy 4:  Use in-group identity markers
Strategy 5:  Seek agreement
Strategy 6:  Avoid disagreement
Strategy 7:  Presuppose/raise/assert common ground
Strategy 8:  Joke
Strategy 9:  Assert or presuppose S's knowledge of and concern for H's wants
Strategy 10:  Offer, promise
Strategy 11:  Be optimistic
Strategy 12:  Include both S and H in the activity
Strategy 13:  Give (or ask for) reasons
Strategy 14:  Assume or assert reciprocity
Strategy 15:  Give gifts to H (goods, sympathy, understanding, cooperation)

Negative Politeness
Strategy 1:  Be conventionally indirect
Strategy 2:  Question, hedge
Strategy 3:  Be pessimistic
Strategy 4:  Minimize the imposition, Rx
Strategy 5:  Give deference
Strategy 6:  Apologize
Strategy 7:  Impersonalize S and H
Strategy 8:  State the FTA as a general rule
Strategy 9:  Nominalize
Strategy 10:  Go on record as incurring a debt, or as not indebting H

Strategy 1:  Give hints
Strategy 2:  Give association clues
Strategy 3:  Presuppose
Strategy 4:  Understate
Strategy 5:  Overstate
Strategy 6:  Use tautologies
Strategy 7:  Use contradictions
Strategy 8:  Be ironic
Strategy 9:  Use metaphors
Strategy 10:  Use rhetorical questions
Strategy 11:  Be ambiguous
Strategy 12:  Be vague
Strategy 13:  Over-generalize
Strategy 14:  Displace H
Strategy 15:  Be incomplete, use ellipsis