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'paraleipsis'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2017.11.01 paraleipsis


(수사학) 역언법(逆言法) ((중요 부분을 생략함으로써 오히려 주의를 끄는 생략법))

제프리 와이마 교수의 설명은 다음과 같다.

Paul's opening assertion is an example of paraleipsis, a rhetorical device that allows speakers or writers to address a subject that they outwardly claim does not need to be addressed (BDF §495; so also 1:9; 5:1; 2 Cor. 9:1; Philem. 19). - Jeffrey A. D. Weima, 1-2 Thessalonians, 286.

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