이번 BNTS 2022 학회에 내 지도 교수가 발표할 주제와 그 요약이다. 지난 금요일에 만나 나눈 대화 주제 중 하나가 요한복음 1장 29절에 나타난 "하나님의 어린 양"이었고, 이 주제가 이사야 53장과 연결해 해석하는 경향이 있으나 나는 다른 방식으로 본다고 말했다. 다행히 나와 지도 교수 사이에 "하나님의 어린 양"을 "Paschal Lamb"(=Passover sacrifice, 유월절 희생양)로 보지 않는 견해적 일치를 발견하는 소득이 있었다.
히브리서는 잘 모르지만, 아래 요약을 보고 직접 히브리서 본문을 읽어보니 지도 교수의 견해가 설득력이 있다고 여겨진다. 또한 서로 다른 본문이지만, 요한복음과 히브리서 사이에 상당한 유사성이 발견된다고 간주된다.
David Moffit, University of St Andrews, ‘Isaiah 53 and Jesus’ Salvific Death in Hebrews’
Many modern scholars assume that Isaiah 53 does not play a significant role in the argument of Hebrews. Apart from a probable allusion to Isa 53:12 in Heb 9:28, there seems to be little direct influence of this Old Testament passage in the epistle. I argue in this paper that aspects of the logic of the argument of Heb 2 and Heb 9 are illuminated if one allows that the Isaianic servant tradition stands in the background. Specifically, I aim to demonstrate that both the claim in Heb 2 that Jesus was crowned with glory and honour because he tasted death for everyone, and the link between Jesus’ death and the inauguration of the new covenant in Heb 9, make good sense in light of the move from the servant’s vicarious death in Isaiah 53 to his exaltation and to the restoration of God’s covenant relationship with his people in Isaiah 54. Jesus’ suffering and death in Hebrews, like that of the servant, not only lead to his exaltation but also function as the means for bringing about a renewed covenant relationship. Yet, if these points can be established, they further suggest that the role of Jesus’ death can be seen to be salvific without presupposing that it is also the sum-total of his sacrificial work. Hebrews may only clearly allude to Isaiah 53 in 9:28, but some of the larger themes in the author’s argument suggest that the passage plays a more significant role in the homily’s argumentation than has sometimes been recognized.
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