사랑하는 그대들에게.

신학부 핸드북은 논문 분량에 관해 다음과 같이 규정하고 있다.
Length of thesis

The normal maximum length of a doctoral thesis is 80,000 words inclusive of footnotes, appendices, and edited original documents and texts, but exclusive of bibliography. Any exceeding of the word limit must be approved in advance of submission by the Pro Dean. Such permission is rarely given. There is no minimum length, but if a thesis is less than 60,000 words, an examiner might feel that not enough work has been done, unless what has been written is of exceptional merit.

A thesis for the one-year (research-only) MSt (Res) degree has an upper limit of 30,000 words. A thesis for the two-year MPhil (the first year of which is taught) has an upper limit of 40,000 words. A thesis for the two-year MPhil (by research route) has an upper limit of 60,000 words. The basic rule is that candidates should attempt to be as succinct as possible, avoiding unnecessary verbosity in expression and repetition of what others have already said.


참고로 신입생이 제출해야 하는 the Probationary Review는 10,000-12,000 글자로 제한하고 있다. 박사 학위 논문과 그에 6-8배를 써야 한다. PR 첫 제출 기간을 6-8개월 정도로 잡고, 6를 곱하면 36-48개월이 나온다. 영미권 학생들도 평균 박사 과정 수학 기한이 4년이라고 하는데, 괜히 그 정도 시간이 걸리는 게 아니구나 싶다.

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