사랑하는 그대들에게.

R. H. Charles가 제시하는 70 목자가 사람이 아닌 천사인 근거들은 다음과 같다.

(1) the seventy shepherds exist contemporaneously, and are summoned together before the Lord of the sheep to receive their commission, 89:59. This could not be said of either native or Gentile rulers. (2) The shepherds are appointed to protect the sheep, 89:75, and to allow only a limited portion of them to be destroyed by the Gentiles. This could not be said of heathen rulers. (3) Jews and Gentiles and their kings also are alike symbolized by animals. Hence the shepherds cannot symbolize men. If not men, they are angels. (4) In the earlier history God was the true shepherd of Israel, but on its apostasy He withdrew from it and committed its pasturing to seventy of His angels. With the growing transcendence of God, His place was naturally taken by angels. (5) The angel who records the doings of the seventy shepherds is simply named ‘another’, 89:61, in connexion with them, and so naturally belongs to the same category. (6) In the last judgement they are classed with the fallen angels, 90:21–25. (7) God speaks directly to the shepherds and not through the medium of angels as elsewhere in the book. The idea of the seventy shepherds is used by the author to explain some pressing difficulties in Israel's history.

출처는 The Book of Enoch, 200.
